Keystone Internet Coalition December Newsletter

State Capacity Grant Approvals | NTIA Competitive Grant Proposals | Digital Inclusion Week | PBDA Multi-Purpose Facilities Grants | Election’s Impact on Digital Equity
State Capacity Grant Approvals
On December 12, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) announced the approval of five states’ Digital Equity Capacity grant applications, one of three grant programs under the Digital Equity Act (DEA). Pennsylvania’s proposal is included in the group of approved grants and will be awarded $25.5 million.
“The Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) today has approved and recommended for award applications from Kansas, Mississippi, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Virginia, allowing the states to request access to more than $85.1 million to implement their Digital Equity Plans.”
Washington Press Release | December 12, 2024 | Internet For All
Pennsylvania’s NTIA Competitive Grant Proposals
As part of the bipartisan Digital Equity Act, $1.25 billion will be allocated to eligible organizations and projects through the Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program. September 23rd was the final date to submit grant proposals, and the NTIA received over 700 applications nationwide. Read about some of the projects and organizations in Pennsylvania that applied for federal funding — and stay tuned for news on the NTIA’s grant award decisions.
“Greater Pittsburgh Digital Inclusion Alliance (GPDIA) convened a network of Western Pennsylvania organizations and launched a targeted effort to bridge the region’s digital divide. Collectively, they invited the University of Pittsburgh to be a core partner, providing backbone support for their efforts.
Chuck Finder | October 7, 2024 | Pitt Wire
Together, they formed the Pennsylvania Leading Equity Access Program (PA LEAP) and submitted a $16.8-million, four-year proposal for funding from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) to build such a bridge in 15 local counties, 11 of them rural.”1

Philly Digital Empowerment Network
Four City of Philadelphia agencies and eighteen non-profit organizations put forth the Philly Digital Empowerment Network’s proposal, which focuses on scaling an adaptable and sustainable ecosystem of digital inclusion services across the city. The project’s goals are to increase access to the internet and devices, provide digital skill programming at various locations, and sustainably invest in community resources and digital equity.
The project aims to achieve these goals by deploying strategic activities in Philadelphia’s highest-need neighborhoods. These strategic activities include digital navigation programs, digital skills training, volunteer training and placement, device access strategies, and a new emergency internet subsidy program.
KINBER’s proposal focused on developing a digital navigator ecosystem that addresses underserved communities throughout Pennsylvania. They partnered with organizations and libraries across 16 counties in the development of their proposal.

Digital Inclusion Week 2024
This year’s Digital Inclusion Week (DIW) took place October 7-11. The week emphasizes the importance of digital inclusion in today’s world and celebrates the projects and organizations taking steps to bridge the digital divide in their communities. Read about some of the DIW events that took place in PA.
TLC Conference 2024
Technology Learning Collaborative hosted its annual conference on October 10th, titled Creating a Sustainable Digital Equity Movement. Over 100 community leaders, advocates, and organizations attended the conference. Panels covered topics such as AI, immigrant and refugee empowerment, and community engagement, all of which tied back to progressing Philadelphia’s digital equity movement.

Tech2Elevate Celebrates One Year of Serving in Local Library

PA Cities and Counties Offer Proclamations Recognizing Digital Inclusion Week
Allegheny County, the City of Philadelphia, and Northampton County recognized and celebrated Digital Inclusion Week.

Learn about assistive technologies during Digital Inclusion week
“October is not only the beginning of apple and pumpkin season, but it is also a month when practitioners of digital inclusion, digital equity, digital accessibility, and assistive technology take on an advocacy role for those with disabilities. October is National Disability Employee Awareness Month, National Audiology Awareness month, and the second week of October is Digital Inclusion week.
The UPMC Center for Assistive Technology and the University Center for Teaching and Learning at Pitt understand the importance of assistive technology for learning, working and navigating your day. Here are our recommendations for some programs that may help you attend to your digital demands.”2
Stephanie Vasquez Gabela and Laura Trybus | October 4, 2024 | University Times
PBDA Announces Multi-Purpose Facilities Grant Awardees
On October 10th, the Pennsylvania Broadband Development Authority (PBDA) announced the approval of $45 million in grant funding to 49 projects dedicated to securing high-speed internet and technology in public facilities.3 Read more about the funding and the grant awardees.
KIC Members Awarded Grants
- City of Philadelphia
- The City of Philadelphia received funding for two digital access hubs in North and Southwest Philadelphia.
- Connections Work
- Connections Work received funding to expand its reentry workforce development programs, which include young adults, state parolees, citizens with mental illnesses, and more. Nicolle Schnovel of Connection Works says that the funding for this project will allow them to increase the number of computers in their learning centers and increase their capacity to assist participants in employment, financial literacy, and digital literacy counseling.
- Somerset County Library
Pennsylvania public spaces are getting $45M to boost internet access and close the digital divide
“Public spaces across Pennsylvania are about to get an internet upgrade.
The Pennsylvania Broadband Development Authority (PBDA) announced $45 million in funding for the Multi-Purpose Community Facilities Program, which provides money to community organizations and local governments to upgrade public facilities. The program will provide grants to 49 projects in 26 counties across the commonwealth.”5 Read more
Sarah Huffman and Katie Malone | October 11, 2024 |
Digital Equity After the Election
The Election’s Impact on Broadband and Digital Equity
“The Trump administration does not officially begin until January 20th, but its allies are already proposing changes to major broadband programs. In this blog, we explore two of those proposals — both from Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, the current ranking member and (likely) soon-to-be chair of the U.S. Senate Commerce Committee. Given the committee’s jurisdiction over broadband, these proposals should be taken very seriously.” Read more
- Finder, C. (2024, October 7). How Pitt is helping the Commonwealth thrive in an increasingly Digital World. University of Pittsburgh.
↩︎ - Gabela, S. V., & Trybus, L. S. (2024, October 4). Learn about assistive technologies during Digital Inclusion Week. University of Pittsburgh University Times.
↩︎ - Pennsylvania Broadband Development Authority. (2024, October 10.) Pennsylvania Broadband Development Authority Approves $45 million in Funding to Ensure Pennsylvanians Can Access Reliable, High-Speed Internet in Public Facilities Across the Commonwealth [Press Release] ↩︎
- Hurst, D. (2024, October 16). Director: Grant will lead to Tech upgrades for Somerset County Library “Resource Room.” Yahoo! Tech.,PowerPoint%20presentation%2C%E2%80%9D%20Morgan%20said.
↩︎ - Huffman, S. (2024, October 16). Pennsylvania public spaces are getting $45m to boost internet access and close the digital divide.